
The composition and control the Bailey

  • Release time:2017-08-09
  • Publisher: Baidu Wenku
  • source: Baidu Wenku
  Bailey is welded by the upper and bottom chord, vertical bars and diagonal rods and end, upper and lower chords are yin and Yang joint, joint has a truss connecting pin hole.?Hunan Beilei the chord consists of two channel No. 10 (back-to-back) combination, the lower chord, a plurality of perforated steel plate welding, bolt holes and for reinforcing chord and double truss connections in the upper and lower chords in the chord, and is used to connect the frame four bolts ports, of which two holes are for double row or more connected with the truss with internode.
  Through the development and testing of Hunan Beilei detection system, to determine the detection control index. The process of Bailey detection system, determined by a certain number of detection, analysis and verification, will Bailey into normal use, degrade and scrap 3 kinds, some methods for determining the rapid discrimination of Bailey grade and standard, eliminate security risks in the process of using, effectively ensuring the safe use of Hunan Bailey reliability.
  The necessity of the development of detection technology 1 Bailey as Bailey truss tablets (hereinafter referred to as Bailey) the use of different age, different conditions (some in offshore engineering and soaked in seawater), the maintenance process is not standardized, resulting in performance of Bailey exists different degree of decline.
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